If you’re comfortable teaching via zoom, want to reach equity-centered entrepreneurs, and know that when you deliver a ton of value you don't need a heavy pitch to attract your ideal clients... you're in the right place!

We are currently seeking industry-leading business/marketing experts with big equitable ideas to provide LIVE training sessions inside of the Just Marketing® Alliance membership.

Sessions will be recorded, edited, and later released as an episode of the Just Marketing® podcast (also syndicated on YouTube, & the MegBrunson.com blog).

Just Marketing® is defined as: Marketing that prioritizes inclusivity and accessibility, values people over profits, and examines everything through an equity-centered lens.

All sessions will be recorded and will follow a predictable format:

  • 15-20 minutes LIVE interview with Meg

  • 15-20 minutes LIVE solo presentation delivering key takeaways/action steps.

You may share your screen to display slides, screen-share, or simply speak directly to our audience without screen-sharing. (Meg will turn off her screen/mic during this time)

  • 15-20 minutes LIVE Q&A session with Meg

What Is Just Marketing®?

just (adjective) \ ˈjəst : Acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good.

Just Marketing® is committed to making a difference through being and building [inclusive, accessible, anti-racist, sustainable] businesses.

By ensuring that your marketing is both physically accessible and diverse you will increase your reach, impact, and income in the process.

(And it’s simply the right thing to do.)

Wonder if you'll be a good fit?

You are a good fit if...

  • You believe in delivering a crap-ton of value, knowing that it's the best way to build an engaged audience.

  • You are willing/able to appear live on camera during your presentation slot.

  • Your topic relates to both Justice & Marketing in some way/shape/form.

  • You're in alignment with our diversity, equity, & inclusion values, including but not limited to supporting LGBTQIA+ rights, & anti-racist initiatives.

You are not a good fit if...

  • You've got a red MAGA hat in your closet or a thin blue line flag flying off the back of your pickup.

  • You want to deliver a webinar-style presentation where viewers will have to opt-in or make a purchase in order to fully benefit from your session.




We value equity for all people and recognize that Just Marketers® are diverse, including members of all races, cultures, religions, genders, orientations, abilities, body sizes, ages, etc.

For that reason, we screen all potential members, experts, and guests to foster a safe and progressive community that is actively working towards becoming more intentionally inclusive.

We value people over profits, and hatred of any kind will not be tolerated within the Just Marketing® Alliance.

Quick Links

How The Live Event Will Work

Let’s do a quick rundown of how the whole thing will work.

Live presentations always occur on the first Thursday of the month from 10am pacific to 11am pacific inside of the private Just Marketing Alliance community. *if you want to share the Just Marketing Alliance with your audience so that they can attend live, learn more about the affiliate program below.

We will meet on Riverside.fm (the platform is very similar to zoom!), and the presentation will be streamed LIVE into the group.

We will begin promptly at 10am pacific, so please consider signing on 5 mins early to ensure no tech hiccups. Meg will interview you for 15-20 minutes before "passing the mic" so that you can deliver your 15-20 minute presentation. After you complete your presentation, Meg will rejoin the session for a 15-20 minute Q&A. The whole session will last 60 minutes or less.

The interview will then be edited for syndication across the Just Marketing® podcast (YouTube, & the MegBrunson.com blog).

The masterclass session + Q&A will remain a perk of Just Marketing® Alliance members, and you're welcome to participate in the affiliate program to promote access to that session if you wish. (New members can join for only $10 - and you'd earn 50%)

Speaker Expectations

My goal is to make this all as easy as humanly possible so we can all have a blast while providing great value and growing our businesses.


The first thing I’ll need is some very basic information from you so I can prepare & promote your session.

This information includes things like:

  • - Name
  • - Title
  • - Bio
  • - Square headshot

You will submit this information with your application below. 😉


This is a 15-20 minute presentation that you will deliver LIVE.


Your 15-20 minute presentation is meant to be more friendly and casual than perfect and structured. We want our attendees to learn something great, while having fun in the process.

Please structure your content in a way that allows attendees to walk away feeling like they've really learned something, rather than a webinar format where they feel like they're missing something that they need to buy from you asap.

With that being said, you have your choice of the following presentation formats:

  • - Slides (if you include slides, please plan on sending a copy with your presentation)
  • - Screensharing
  • - No slides (just your face)
  • - Any combination of the above-mentioned

Your presentation should include great, actionable content. Here’s the suggested format:

  • - An overview of your topic (1-3 mins)
  • - Teaching section (12-15 mins)
  • - Specific action steps, with the goal of simplifying their existing process (1-3 mins)


  • (1) You do not have to introduce yourself in your presentation. We'll spend 15-20 mins introducing you during the interview portion.

  • (2) You do not need a pitch in your presentation. The first question I'll ask during the Q&A session will open up the opportunity to pitch a free/paid offer.

3. PROMOTION (optional)

Everyone is encouraged to share on social media and/or email before they go live and/or after the podcast episode is released.

You’ll want to share using your affiliate link so you can get in on the 50% commission that will come from any Just Marketing® Alliance enrollments (plus 50% perpetually as long as the membership remains active).

You’ll find swipe copy and graphics in the Resource Vault below.

Event Pricing & Affiliate Details

Listening to the podcast, watching on YouTube, or reading the blog is free for all of the internet - allowing us to impact the maximum number of people.

In order for people to attend LIVE and benefit from the masterclass and/or Q&A, they must first be a member of the Just Marketing® Alliance. If you'd like to share that opportunity with your audience, you're able to earn a 50% affiliate commission for your promotions.

To make it as easy as possible for you to generate extra income, things like email swipe copy, social media copy, and social share graphics are uploaded into the affiliate area, and you’re more than welcome to write your own copy and promote however you want to.

Create your affiliate link, or sign in to look it up, and access the promotional resources here:

As with all affiliate promotions, be sure to disclose that you’re an affiliate when sharing with your audience.

Speaker Selection & Notification

Speakers will be chosen on the following criteria:

  • Focused responses to all of the application questions.

  • Proven credibility and expertise.*

  • Clear, practical, specific takeaways.

  • Innovative and creative approaches to delivery.

  • Proven stage skills, video skills and/or podcasting skills.*
  • [Non-negotiable] Alignment with our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion values; including but not limited to: supporting Black lives and LGBTQIA+ equality. The Just Marketing® community is diverse, and with all the hate in the world, it's of utmost importance that no member of our community feels uncomfortable or unsafe with any speakers or attendees.

​* We encourage you to apply, even if you believe that you're not "expert-enough" or lack some of the stage/video/podcasting skills. We recognize that the value from an emerging expert can be just as valuable as that from an established expert!

Speakers will be selected & notified on a rolling basis.

Have other questions?

Feel free to email meg@megbrunson.com with any other questions that you may have.

Action Steps

Phew, that was a lot to cover! You’re awesome for making it this far :)

For the sake of clarity, here are your current action steps:

  • - Submit the form below to let me know you're interested.

And as soon as you're accepted, we ask that you:

  • - Claim a date on our calendar.
  • - Prepare for your LIVE presentation.
  • - Sign up for your affiliate account and plan to promote - totally optional!
  • - Let us know if you have any questions along the way.

We'll send those reminders with your acceptance email, too.


Please fill out the form below if you're interested in speaking virtually in front of the Just Marketing® Alliance & having your interview broadcast on the Just Marketing® podcast, YouTube channel, and the MegBrunson.com blog.

Speakers will be selected on a rolling basis as availability allows.

Our audience is diverse and in order to ensure a safe space for all, it's critical that the speakers we feature and promote to our community share similar values and are actively working towards becoming more intentionally inclusive.

We are looking forward to reviewing your submission

We'll be in touch soon

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